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Granite 2.5 software adds Fibre Channel support for the virtual Granite Core that extends integration with enterprise-class storage arrays, including...

“At the time, more than 100 teams of US analysts were scouring Iraq for snippets of electronic datathat might lead to the bomb-makers and their...

Datacenterleverancier ICTroom uit Lijnden heeft onlangs de derde fase van het datacenter van datacenterdienstverlener Serverius in Dronten opgeleverd. ... states that it is the third largest hosting provider in the world and has data centers in Canada and Europe. The company has a massive network...

The data centre industry is incredibly fast paced, and with data becoming increasingly valuable to businesses, data centres constantly have to upgrade...

In late 2005, as Iraqi roadside bombings were nearing an all-time peak, the National Security Agency’s newly appointed chief began pitching...

Security System Reviews has recently published its review of the nation’s top five wireless securitysystems. With this extensive information,...

For example, the CBC said, records show that a federal agency issued a warning that hackers were targeting critical infrastructure six months before a security … ...

Ely, England, 15 July 2013: Despite attention-grabbing headlines about cyber-threats from external attackers, company bosses in fact see their own employees … ...

Summary: Most IT resources security today are plugged into protecting networking equipment from hackers and breaches. Not a bad idea, surely? But...