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HCP and HCP Anywhere are the newest platforms that can run on Verizon’s new cloud platform, an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and object-based storage … ...

The new version of ConVirt adds Microsoft’s Hyper-V to thevirtualization technologies it supports. Besides Hyper-V it also supports KVM, VMware...

Firefly Host (formerly named vGW Virtual Gateway) — a purpose-built firewall forvirtualization designed to protect intra-VM traffic. It provides...

This white paper explores the role of DPI and related techniques in virtualized networks based on ETSI Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Software...

IT guys feeling a little cold this winter? Why not drop by at the Gillette Stadium for the 7th Annual VTUG Winter Warmer 2014, an event focused on virtualization … ...

Federal agencies are aware of the benefits of cloud computing – from information sharing to cost reductions to personnel efficiency –...

A group of IT companies and organizations have formed an advisory group to consult with Congress and agencies on cloud computing and other IT issues. ...

IBM announced new x86-based servers designed specifically for cloud and … to the cloud to take advantage of cloud computing’s efficiencies...

Is Your Business 100% Ready for the New Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data? …As advanced data storage, access and analytics technologies...

Basho has announced a series of additions to its Riak database and cloud storagesoftware portfolio that it claims will make it easier for SMBs to...