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Solid state disks and flash storage are certainly fast, but RAM is orders of … mostly in connection with SAP application data, Teradata...

Summary: Comparing how vital photos are to Instagram, Box’s CEO quipped that is the same relationship that the enterprise cloud storage provider...

Virtualization is leading to consolidation of data centers where “the pipes are becoming bigger, and there’s more bandwidth,” he said....

“It’s pretty clear that virtualization has ripped up operational practices and that security lags woefully behind the operational practice...

VMware built its success on x86 server virtualization, and the killer application for that technology turned out to be server consolidation —...

The Unisys solutions enable enterprise clients to define and build a standardized, cost-efficient cloud-based desktop virtualization infrastructure...

“Board members need a clear understanding of cloud computing benefits and how to … “This requires the board to see cloud...

More organisations across Ireland are implementing cloud computing, in particular, companies with five to 50 employees, the second annual Microsoft/Amárach … ...

Get a CIO’s View of Application Performance Monitoring Time – and resources – are limited for your IT department. With less manpower,...

Business communication vendor, ShoreTel, is bolstering its presence in the mobility space with the launch of a new product, the ShoreTel Dock, targeted...