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Other significant trends that will affect the way IT managers plan theirstorage strategies in 2014 include: more data migrating to third-partycloud services;...

Western Digital Corporation ( WDC ) launched My Cloud, a personal cloud storagedrive, earlier this quarter to expand its Network Attached Storage...

Cloud storage sounds great until performance, availability, and security concerns arise. As Ranajit Nevatia of Panzura explains, cloud storage controllers...

virtualization · Relevant Products/Services , and software-defined networking rely on the foundation of an operating system. As Red Hat sees it,...

The service goes hand-in-hand with the company’s broad set of virtualization software and private cloud management platforms, such as vSphere...

Cloud computing is arguably one of the greatest innovations in how we share and access data, and it has elevated smartphones, tablets and e-readers...

IT departments need to take advantage of the agility cloud computingaffords. And – as important — they need to guide the sometimes willy-nilly...

In today’s “management by projects” mindset, portfolio managers and PMO directors are challenged with ensuring successful project delivery...

In this paper, Evaluator Group highlights the critical features necessary to move beyond server virtualization by leveraging key integration capabilities...

You live in the world of “now” – businesses dynamically connected through social and business networks that are creating an explosion...