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Microsoft has relaxed the rules about the screen specs required to obtain a “Designed for Windows 8” logo. The change is thought to be a sign...

Developers at eReflect released a statement regarding the importance of ease-of-use in software, and emphasized that tools and instructions need to...

Telkomsigma’s business portfolio covers 5C: Cloud Computing, Care Managed … governments and cities infuse intelligence into...

The scam purports that Homeland Security (DHS) is starting an investigation into a user’s activity, and are going to suspend their computer....

These new additions offer enterprise-class storage solutions that help SMB and SOHO users optimize file sharing, IP SAN applications, data storage and...

VMware, Inc. is a provider of virtualization and virtualization-based cloud infrastructure solutions. To view TheStreet’s full report, visit...

With Cloud computing and IT security on the rise this year’s event will undoubtedly be filled with IT Managers and Business Professionals looking...

According to a recent Aberdeen Group survey, one-third of cloud computing users have suffered data loss. At the same time, 80 percent of survey respondents … ...

The Hosting Chairman at Rackspace, Graham Weston, has noted that although cloud computing is currently huge in the IT world, the academic sphere...

Cloud service prices change frequently. PlanForCloud, a free online tool, tracks those changes and calculates your potential deployment costs with six different … ...