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Virtualization is the process of running virtual instances of computer components that are traditionally … This is the foundation of cloud computing.. ...

Two other Chinese firms on the SEC’s list—e-commerce platform Dingdong and cloud computing company Kingsoft Cloud—are reportedly following Alibaba’s...

Tell us how your company is contributing to the IoT/AI/Big Data Analytics/Robotics/Self-Driving Vehicles/Cloud Computing industry of the nation and how...

Nutanix, a leader in hybrid multi-cloud computing, and its partner iret, have announced that the City of Sapporo has deployed Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)…. ...

Cloud computing isn’t going anywhere, but some companies are shifting their machine learning data and models to their own machines they manage in-house.. ...

(Source: Security Affairs) Recenlty Atlassian released security updates to address a critical hardcoded credentials vulnerability in Confluence Server...

(Source: Beebom) … VM performance while maintaining the security of the data stored. … like 2D GFX and Networking, VMtools installation for...

(Source: There are already competitors out there offering cheaper cloud storages including Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive....

(Source: Help Net Security) Reduced cloud computing cost because virtual clusters are much more lightweight and resource-efficient than spinning up separate...

(Source: Fortune) SAP’s CEO wants to turn the 50-year-old German tech giant into a cloud leader with a focus on sustainability—so it partnered...