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(Source: DZone News) Cloud is a cost saver, at least in principle. And even though the magical-realism catch phrase ‘cloud computing‘ amounts...

(Source: Canada NewsWire) Not surprisingly, they’re most anxious about data security for devices they actually use. Six in 10 consumers expressed...

(Source: Networks Asia) An open source, community-developed network data model that delivers visibility intosecurity threats using big data analytics,...

(Source: Investor’s Business Daily) “SONiC will enable cloud operators to take advantage of hardwareinnovation … He said Arista “seems...

(Source: VentureBeat) By rethinking the data pipeline and adopting a new, elastic cloud-based system with an architecture designed for big data, DoubleDown...

(Source: CTR) Red Hat announced this week general availability of its KVM-based virtualizationoffering Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 that offers...

(Source: GlobeNewswire ) TeraGo provides businesses across Canada and globally with network and voice services, data center services and enterprise...

(Source: PR Newswire) With Fiber Optic Works, Unidata will consolidate network data spread over multiple … manager for utilities and communications,...

(Source: The VAR Guy) Is Apple’s ongoing battle with the U.S. government over iPhone encryption pushing other device manufacturers to adopt stronger...

(Source: The Vista Voice) Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of VASCO Data Security … “Vasco DataSecurity International Inc. design,...