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(Source: Wall Street Journal) Scott Dietzen, the company’s chief executive, argued in an interview that the move to cloud computing is an opportunity...

(Source: Marketwired) Cohesive Networks are members of the Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA), members of the Amazon Partner Network, an Amazon Marketplace...

(Source: Data Center Knowledge) Wholesale data centers give customers more infrastructure design flexibility, which is something LinkedIn’s infrastructure...

(Source: Midas Letter) Healthspace Data Systems Ltd. (CNSX:HS) CEO Warwick Smith discusses his … So you license the application to the agencies...

(Source: New York Times) Troy Hunt, an Internet security expert, wrote this weekend that while adults were becoming accustomed to data breaches, compromising...

(Source: Communities Digital News) Cyber Monday shoppers may think about security risks online, but a new institute is tackling cyber security on a...

(Source: Marketwired ) FreeStor’s horizontal architecture unlocks a new world of storageopportunities, … offering a converged data services...

(Source: Marketwired ) According to Gartner research, “Many external forces will transform the data center during the next five years, impacting...

(Source: PR Newswire) Helping the world harness the power of data, Western … system that transforms data storage silos into cloud-scale active...

(Source: CRN) The networking giant’s Cloud and Virtualization Group will package the Incident.Moog software with its Virtual Managed Services...