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(Source: eWeek) …… a pre-integrated platform comprising software and hardware features to make it easier for service providers to embrace network-functions...

(Source: PR Newswire) Cloud robotics, which involves the integration of cloud computing technology in robots, has been gaining prominence … ...

(Source: No Jitter) The networking vendor is hoping UC provides SDN with the opening it needs to … Nectar, a network management vendor, also uses...

(Source: IT News Africa) Leveraging its market leading data infrastructure technologies and smart analytics software foundation, Hitachi Data Systems...

(Source: Dashboards uses the same functionality and focuses on creating interactive dashboards by business users. Big R application focuses...

(Source: Data Center Knowledge) After it is made available in June, Cisco says the new integrated ACIsecurity solution will provide advanced security...

(Source: Small Business Trends) Kaspersky Lab, founded by Eugene Kaspersky (pictured above) has always provided online security solutions for small...

(Source: iTWire) VMAX3’s FAST.X feature automates storage tiering across the data centre. This means organisations can now choose hardware to...

(Source: insideBIGDATA) .. protects the encryption keys by isolating them from the client storage media, …Enterprise customers are seeking the...

(Source: Nasdaq)  Inovalon (Nasdaq:INOV), a leading technology company providing advanced cloud-based data analytics and … ...