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(Source: Dumb-Out) As cloud computing has grown, it has become a strange marketplace for companies who had a hand in innovating the industry at the beginning. If you recall, the … ...

(Source: WhaTech) The Cloud Computing market in Latin America is witnessing an influx of telecommunications companies entering the market. These companies possess the … ...

(Source:Thomson Reuters’ peHUB) Glassbeam, Inc., the machine data analytics company, today announced … that enabled the development of production-class Storage Area Networks (SAN ...

(Source: ZDNet) Given CEO Satya Nadella’s focus on creating a “data culture,” it’s not too … data, social network updates, geospatial/map data, and semantic data collected … ...

(Source: E&T magazine) Software analysts CAST says new findings from its ongoing research on application software health shows that a growing number of databreaches and security … ...

(Source: IT PRO) Popular iPhone and Android app Secret has been hacked in a controlled experiment, allowing security experts to get hold of data. The app, which allows you to … ...

(Source: CSO Magazine) “Digital business will impact your professional life with securityproblems as much as or … What if your personal data could be exfiltrated from your home via your … ...

(Source: Marketwired) Protegrity, the leading provider of data-centric enterprise data security solutions, today announced that Gartner … ...

(Source: Irish Times) McAfee and frequently sends complex security problems to its Cork site for resolution, McAfee Chief Information Officer Patty Hatter has said. Photo: Bloomberg. ...

(Source: Huffington Post) So, the downloading and use of a Facebook App could createsecurity threats? Who’d have thunk it? Oh, wait…I could, and did right here on Huffington Post. ...