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(Source: The Register) Intel has disclosed high-severity bugs in its firmware that’s used in datacenter servers, workstations, mobile devices, storage...

(Source: Grit Daily) Aiven has one goal: to make data infrastructure simple. It does this through a combination of cloud providers and tools, along with...

(Source: Help Net Security) Red Hat Edge represents Red Hat’s collective drive to integrate edge computing across the open hybrid cloud. The initiative...

(Source: TechTarget) Cohesity said it can protect user data in a cloud vault it describes as secure as Fort Knox, a military base where about half of...

(Source: GlobeNewswire) … Partner to Explore the Company’s Revolutionary Power Storage Technologies … proprietary device to be utilized...

(Source: Protocol) Donna Goodison (@dgoodison) is Protocol’s senior reporter focusing on enterprise infrastructure technology, from the ‘Big...

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Set To Notable Growth, Regional Trends, Business Statistics, Research Models and Forecast to 2028 MicroSoft, IBM, Oracle,… ...

(Source: SiliconANGLE) This has shaped a world growingly reliant on their edge devices, … Dell’s acceleration into 5G, developing a modern...

(Source: WIRED) By working together, the companies say they’re better able to find security flaws in Google Cloud’s Confidential Computing...

(Source: GlobeNewswire) LONDON, May 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NordLocker, an encrypted cloud storage provider, is proud to announce that it’s...