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(Source: KMWorld) Collibra has announced product updates, expanded integrations, new tools and services for its Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, the...

The company report on March 1, 2022 that KDDI Advances O-RAN Compliant 5G Standalone Virtualized Base Stations in Japan with HPE Telco Infrastructure.. ...

It creates a virtualized version of Windows inside Windows, allowing you to perform untrusted tasks while protecting your primary installation.. ...

The advanced virtualization capabilities of the NVMe 4016 enable large-scale deployment of virtual machines and physical functions (PFs) to make the most…. ...

… highest memory bandwidth in the industry, and it expects a wide range of applications to benefit, from cryptocurrency mining to network virtualization.. ...

The virtualization software provider reported $2.02 EPS for the quarter, beating the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $1.43 by $0.59. The company had...

Beijing 2022 Reflections: OBS CTO Sotiris Salmouris Discusses 5G, Virtualized OB Vans, and Other Innovations. By Ken Kerschbaumer, Editorial Director. ...

Ho pleaded guilty on Monday to 11 charges, including offences under the Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act and cheating by personation. He is set to...

… a leading supplier of both smartphones and computer chips, said it would … and for Amazon and Microsoft to suspend their cloud computing...

“It will support the development of edge computing, smart cities and IoT, showcasing the power of the private sector to build and drive digital empowerment…. ...