(Source: The Oracle Dispatch) It also provides software-defined networking (SDN) training, SDN software development, and integration, virtualized network functions validation in a multi-vendor environment, unified communications, interactive voice response, and session initiation protocol based call centers, as well as structured cabling and other field ......
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(Source: BZ Weekly) Investors sentiment decreased to 0.93 in 2017 Q2. Its down 0.16, from 1.09 in 2017Q1. It is negative, as 20 investors sold Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. shares while 53 reduced holdings. 31 funds opened positions while 37 raised stakes. 29.75 million shares or 9.85% less from 32.99 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported....
(Source: The Ledger Gazette) The Company sells its products to networking original equipment manufacturers (OEM), which sell into the enterprise, datacenter, service provider, and broadband and consumer markets. In the enterprise market, its products are used in routers, switches, storage appliances, server connectivity for networking and storage, ......
(Source: Dispatch Tribunal) ... Solutions), test data management (Attunity Gold Client Solutions), data connectivity (Attunity Connect), enterprise file replication (AttunityRepliWeb), managed-file-transfer (Attunity MFT), data warehouse automation (Attunity Compose), data usage analytics (Attunity Visibility) and cloud datadelivery (AttunityCloudBeam)....
(Source: TrueBlueTribune) The Company is specializing in business service management software. It develops, markets and sells software used for multiple functions, including information technology (IT) service management, data center automation, performance management, virtualization lifecycle management and cloud computing management....
(Source: The Ledger Gazette) Its businesses consist of core commerce, cloud computing, mobile media and entertainment, and other innovation initiatives. Through investee affiliates, it also participates in the logistics and local services sectors. Retail commerce in China operated by the Company includes the China online commerce destination ......
(Source: Madison.com) Part of the optimism surrounding Microsoft right now is that the company is executing well on its cloud computing potential. In 2015, Nadella said that Microsoft's commercial cloud business would achieve an annualized run rate of $20 billion by mid-2018.That was a pretty high target considering that the company's cloud run ......
(Source: ETTelecom.com) 3G/4G · Devices · Enterprise · Financial Results · Industry · Infrastructure · Internet · MVAS/Apps · Policy · Smartphone · International; More. People Movement · Reviews · Telecom News · Latest Telecom News · Internet · Internet » · Cloud computing · Cmpute.io · optimisation strategies · Internet · Delaware · Cisco · Bengaluru ......
(Source: The Indian Express) Amazon Web Services to deliver Public Cloud services for Indian government. Amazon Web Services has announced that it will help the Indian government by providing public cloud services, and is the first cloud computing agency to have been recruited. 2. Shares. Share. New Delhi | Published: December 7, 2017 3:52 pm...
(Source: Investorplace.com) The best reason to ride the Nvidia bull, is the cloud. Data centers are now going through their first upgrade cycle, to support Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications like voice interfaces, self-driving cars and the Internet of Things (IoT). Instant response is the key here. The low-end processor clouds like those of Amazon.com, ......