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Comments Off on BT Group: the ‘complex and overweight’ telecoms giant
(Source: IG) It is the sole guardian of the Openreach network of wires and cables that connect the country, is the biggest broadband provider, owns the UK's largest mobile .... BT plans to step up its game when it comes to data to improve its personalised marketing capabilities, but that will be harder following new laws like General Data ......
Comments Off on Microsoft Cloud is more respectful of nature than traditional data centers
(Source: Devdiscourse) These savings are attributed to four key features of Microsoft Cloud, IT operational efficiency, the efficiency of IT equipment, the efficiency of data center infrastructure and renewable electricity. Through its internal sustainability costs, Microsoft is financing its commitments of neutral carbon and renewable energy, using the ......
Comments Off on China’s Blockchain Community Correction application bestows a human touch
(Source: PR Newswire ) The Community Correction Application platform that is built on IDHub's digital identity technology has not only allowed information connectivity and data transparency between relevant departments, but it has also empowered law enforcement, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Courts and related judicial institutions to ......
Comments Off on RunSafe Security raises $2.4M to protect hardware from cyberattacks
(Source: DC) Initial markets for the company include critical infrastructure and industrial control systems, including data centers, water suppliers or power suppliers. Saunders said the software can protect devices in the supply chain for such centers. He didn't name initial customers, but said they include companies that make cooling and ......
Comments Off on Approaching the Top 5 Healthcare Cloud Security Concerns
(Source: Security of company data. There's no escaping this one. Healthcare data security is extremely valuable and only increasing in value. Ponemon Institute recently calculated the average healthcare data breach costs to be $380 per record. While the average global cost per record for all industries is $141, healthcare data ......
Comments Off on Klas Telecom Launches Voyager Tactical Data Center 2.0 at SOFIC 2018
(Source: Odessa American) Voyager TDC is an enterprise-grade compute and data storage network system specifically designed for tactical environments where low size, weight and power ... The company specializes in integrating enterprise networking capabilities from global IT leaders with in-house hardware and software platforms designed to ......
Comments Off on Digging Into The Data: Microsemi Corporation (NASDAQ:MSCC)
(Source: TopChronicle) .. voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprisestorage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper ......
Comments Off on EdgeMicro Executives To Be Featured Speakers At Connectivity Expo
(Source: SYS-CON Media ) ... "Enabling Technologies at the Edge: SDN, NFV, Cloud, Fog and Cloudlets," which ... The EdgeMicro data center will be centrally located as a focal point of the ......
Comments Off on VSS Invests in QuadraNet, a Full-Service Data Center Provider
(Source: ... marketplace for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions; now available both in a traditional fashion as well as with virtualization options that provide clients ......
Comments Off on Attractive Opportunities in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Market which includes CAGR of +29%, Market Potential, Industry Dynamics, Future Prospects, Forecast and Growth by Major Players like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Corporation, International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Google
(Source: satPRnews) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is among the three leading categories within the cloud computingservices, and the other services are Software as a Service ......