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In fact, compared to the examples listed in the first paragraph, Kaspersky is not widely known outsideIT security circles (except in Russia itself,...

Today, as organizations are challenged by swelling data volumes, increasing demand for faster analytic insights, and rising data center energy costs,...

Unitrends, providers of next-generation, enterprise-class data protection, backup, … as UnitrendsEnterprise Backup supports more than...

He reckons that ‘osmeta’ could be “a reference to ‘meta operating system’ – potentially avirtualization technology...

These developments have given rise to an increasing number of enterprises empowering their workforce with mobility tools to improve work efficiency,...

Brocade has launched its HyperEdge Architecture to help enterprises and campus environments better handle cloud and mobile working. Related...

The Mobile Security Control Room solutions combine the rugged mobility of … lb. tablet, thisenterprise-grade solution provides...

It’s a question of when, not if, mobile technology will impact the business. A mobile enterprise is an organization built on a foundation...

“We mobile accelerating at a greater pace than a lot of the other platform, but the desktop platforms are still the dominant in terms of current...

10th April 2013: Severn Trent Water has chosen Azzurri as their strategic enterprise telecoms partner, awarding them a multi-million pound contract...