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Open source cloud computing software CloudStack, which is developed by all-volunteer association the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), has this week … ...

Etihad Etisalat (Mobily), the second largest telecoms company in Saudi Arabia, has launched its hybrid cloud computing services for the business...

In short, the preference for a private enterprise cloud behind the firewall remains as strong as ever, despite the growth in public cloud computing, according to a … ...

Software · Security · Cloud · Mobility · Social Business · Big Data · Windows · Global CIO · Government · Healthcare ·...

OANDA’s newest mobile app responds to demands from mobile traders for …. his career Mr. MacSweeney also covered automation...

“Partnering with MobileIron expands our reach into the mobile enterprise marketplace. It is a given that mobile devices have become the...

IT departments may not have adequate control over their employees’ mobile landscape, … etc. and gathering and interpreting data as to...

For many organizations, the earliest enterprise mobile apps were essentially marketing … By contrast, mobile applications emerging today...

“They do need to become licensed Nintendo developers, since they will need access to ourdevelopment tools. It’s actually pretty easy to...

Havok’s involved itself with mobile gaming for a few years and it’s now taken to this year’s GDC to announce Project Anarchy. This new...