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In the cloud computing arena PaaS (Platform as a Service) has made its mark in … PaaS in cloud computing provides a computing platform...

Rackspace General Counsel Alan Schoenbaum has commented that as the paths for open source andcloud computing now intersect — patent trolling continues … ...

Another SMB Disaster Preparedness survey by Symantec Corp, insights how cloud computing, virtualization and mobility is assisting SMBs to improve their … ...

The convergence of social media, mobile computing, analytics and the cloud is transforming the way businesses operate. Companies that adopt available … ...

Looking ahead, Business Models for the Social Mobile Cloud focuses on the combined impact of social technologies, the mobile Internet, and cloud computing … ...

This platform enables safe and secure adoption of Cloud Computing! In response to customer demand and in the spirit of President Obama’s recently signed … ...

The private cloud computing model isn’t a slapped together virtualization environment, with a few management bells and whistles thrown in on...

“Cognizant computing evolves the connected device and personal cloud service into an activity of seamless and frictionless integration...

Within one year, cloud computing in K-12 schools is expected to consume a quarter of the entire IT budget; four years from now, that figure will grow to 35 … ...

These are software and applications that are run on the cloud, and the cloud is all about making the technological aspect of computer usage...