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For a rapidly growing network of companies with critical data, migrating to the cloud has moved from an idea to reality. But while cloud services promise...

Cloud computing moves systems to a new architecture — but in many cases their technologies aren’t designed to work in the new cloud environment. ...

Summary: Despite widespread security worries, the Chinese firm is pushing ahead with plans to tap into cloud computing markets based in … ...

The API allows for granular, centralized control over content access, security and bandwidth, regardless of content storage location–on premise...

As advanced data storage, access and analytics technologies aimed at handling high-volume and/or fast moving data all move center stage, aided by the Cloud … ...

While others vendors tout server-side or file sync-and-share (FSS) encryption for cloud storage and collaboration, both approaches contain pitfalls...

VaultLogix Announces Incentive Program for New Resellers of Its Cloud Backup Storage for SMBs VaultLogix, a business-class cloud backup...

Cloud backup and disaster recovery provider eFolder has acquired Anchor Box, a startup developer of file sync and share technology with a focus on indirect...

While virtualization within data center walls is standard practice, extending the virtualization to the physical network that interconnects...

Virtualization technologies continue to mature and become more important in modern data centers. Rick Vanover explains one of the key concepts for beginners … ...