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(Source: Dark Reading) Keep up with the latest cybersecurity threats, newly-discovered vulnerabilities, data breach information, and emerging trends....

(Source: Help Net Security) It can be deployed quickly and provides a complete, customizable solution for Compliance, Data Security, Governance, Global...

(Source: TechTarget) Vast Data combined its all-flash, high-performance storage with Vertica’s Eon Mode … tightly coupling hardware and software...

(Source: KMWorld) Expands Accenture’s Cloud First capabilities to drive transformations for clients in the Hispanic South American market. Accenture...

(Source: eWeek) … according to data in Pluribus’ 2021 State of Data Center Networking report. The report found that the top two challenges...

(Source: TechTarget) Another contributing factor in Azure’s steady rise among enterprise cloud … cloud IaaS (compute and storage), with Microsoft...

The demand for UAV is increasing with the emergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, sense and avoid systems, and cloud computing. ...

Perimeter security is obsolete for a number of reasons, but mainly because of the prevalence of remote work. Other reasons include: mobile computing,...

One of the first cloud providers to launch support of the Intel Software … G-Core Labs is an international leader in public cloud and edge computing,…. ...

This is designed to meet the IP traffic visibility needs in cloud computing environments. As a cloud-optimised module, R&SvPACE powers virtualised...