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Comments Off on Data Center Server Market Players 2017- IBM Corporation, Dell Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise
(Source: MilTech) Any data center operation depends on the durability, uptime, and reliability of its server. Servers are the backbones of any data center operations. While increasing load of data are affecting the data center operations, virtualization has emerged as a technology by which optimization of data center operation can be done....
Comments Off on Sphere 3D Corp. (ANY) Reaches $2.41 After 7.00% Up Move; Shorts at Dragon Victory International Limited (LYL) Raised By 252.63%
(Source: San Times) Sphere 3D Corp. provides virtualization technologies and data management solutions in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific. The company has market cap of $16.14 million. It enables organizations to deploy a combination of public, private, or hybrid cloud strategies through containerized ......
Comments Off on Time to Reconsider Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. (MLNX) After Achieving 52-Week High?
(Source: Frisco Fastball) Investors sentiment increased to 0.95 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.02, from 0.93 in 2017Q2. It increased, as 23 investors sold Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. shares while 40 reduced holdings. 17 funds opened positions while 43 raised stakes. 29.80 million shares or 0.19% more from 29.75 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported....
Comments Off on DataCore Software-Defined Storage Receives Numerous Industry Honors
(Source: PR Leap (press release)) FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., December 28, 2017 –DataCore today announced that its SANsymphony™ software-defined storage platform has received a number of notable industry awards including the Virtualization and Cloud Review Editor's Choice Award. This marks DataCore's third consecutive editor's choice award ......
Comments Off on VMware (VMW) Lifted to Overweight at KeyCorp
(Source: The Ledger Gazette) KeyCorp currently has $142.00 price objective on the virtualization software provider's stock. Several other analysts also recently commented on the stock. Citigroup raised their price objective on shares of VMware to $145.00 and gave the stock a buy rating in a research report on Friday, December 1st. Oppenheimer lifted ......
Comments Off on Symantec Target of Unusually Large Options Trading (NASDAQ:SYMC)
(Source: StockNewsTimes) Symantec logo Symantec Corporation (NASDAQ:SYMC) was the target of unusually large options trading on Thursday. Traders bought 48,540 call options on the company. This is an increase of approximately 5,945% compared to the typical volume of 803 call options. In other Symantec news, CFO Nicholas R. Noviello ......
Comments Off on Critical Comparison: Red Hat (RHT) & eFuture (EFUT)
(Source: TrueBlueTribune) Its infrastructure-related offerings include Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat Satellite and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization. Its application development-related and other technology offerings include Red Hat JBoss Middleware, Red Hat cloud offerings, Red Hat Mobile and Red Hat Storage. Its consulting services include ......
Comments Off on Why Micro Data Centers Deliver Good Things in Small Packages

(Source: BizTech Magazine) The location for data processing has changed significantly throughout the history of computing. During the mainframe era, data was processed centrally, but client/server architectures later decentralized computing. In recent years, cloud computingcentralized many processing workloads, but digital transformation and the … ...

Comments Off on Google Cloud Platform services engage corporate IT
(Source: TechTarget) Transfer Appliance is a shippable server that can be used to transfer up to 1 TB of compressed data to Google cloud data centers. In many ways, GCP is where Microsoft Azure was around mid-2014, as it tried to frame its cloud approach and put together a cohesive strategy, said Deepak Mohan, an analyst with IDC....
Comments Off on Head-To-Head Review: Qorvo (QRVO) and Nanometrics (NANO)
(Source: TrueBlueTribune) The IDP segment is a supplier of RF solutions that support various global applications, including ubiquitous high-speed network connectivity to the cloud, data center communications, Internet connectivity throughout the home and workplace, and upgraded military capabilities across the globe. It operates design, sales and ......