(Source: RealWire (press release)) London, 23 Jan, 2018 - Interoute, the global cloud and network provider, has announced that following an official audit of the Interoute Virtual Data Centre (VDC) service, it is now fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) 3.2 as a level 1 service provider. Interoute VDC is global ......
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(Source: Frisco Fastball) Investors sentiment increased to 1.16 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.06, from 1.1 in 2017Q2. It is positive, as 14 investors sold VASCO Data Security International, Inc. shares while 37 reduced holdings. 22 funds opened positions while 37 raised stakes. 20.29 million shares or 7.72% more from 18.84 million shares in 2017Q2 were ......
(Source: ITWeb) Connectivity solutions provider D-Link has signed a strategic business partnership with global IT security software provider McAfee, aimed at supplying Middle East and Africa (MEA) regional channel partners with router products that the securityvendor's Internet security embedded in them. According to D-Link, ......
(Source: eWeek) As data security becomes more important, cloud-based ERP will become more, not less, attractive to adopters. The misbelief that security is degraded when switching to the cloud has been a significant roadblock for widespread adoption. This perception will soon shift as corporate leaders realize that as enterprise cloud ......
(Source: Global Times) The companies said they will strictly follow the rules and regulations, and protect users' privacy and data security. Although the transfer is still a month away, and Apple is in the process of informing its customers in the mainland, a topic devoted to the impact of the move on Chinese users and Apple on Quora-like Chinese ......
(Source: VentureBeat) In a world of growing cyber threats and attacks, these privacy and data securityconsiderations actually go far beyond just M&As. They can help businesses understand the ramifications of worst case scenarios and for evaluating the impact of data security and privacy solutions and policies on company value. Regulators are ......
(Source: WIRED) Though Android bears the moniker of open-source, the chain of trust between developers, distributors, and end-users is broken. Google's defective privacy and security controls have been made painfully real by a recent investigation into location tracking, massive outbreaks of malware, unwanted cryptomining, and our ......
(Source: The Ledger Gazette) It offers SecureSphere Data Security Suite to protect sensitive data from hackers and malicious insiders along with providing a fast and cost-effective route to regulatory compliance and establishes a repeatable process for data risk management. The Company's SecureSphere offers database security solutions to secure ......
(Source: CNET) The Good Logitech's $180 Circle 2 wired security camera is easy to set up and works with Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit and Google Assistant for a wide variety of smart home/voice control applications. The Bad While this camera can be used indoors or out, it relies on an adapter for power (rather than a rechargeable ......
(Source: CML News) No Risk Alert Here: Before we dive into any analysis we simply note that VASCO Data SecurityInternational Inc (NASDAQ:VDSI) risk is neither elevated nor depressed. We'll detail it below -- but that's the lede -- the option market is in a holding period with an IV30 of 37.87% versus the IV30 of the S&P 500 at 9.12%....