
Summary: The old skills that have kept enterprise IT humming along are increasingly irrelevant in the new world of the cloud, say tech chiefs on the … ...

Amazon is providing a command line interface (CLI) for the first time. In one sense, it’s a throwback to an outdated means of interacting with systems;...

Learn more about SaaS by attending the Interop conference track on Cloud Computing and Virtualization in New York from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. The...

Oracle Database 12c also offers customers other capabilities for cloud computing such as simplified provisioning, cloning and resource prioritization...

Dell’s acquisition of niche security solutions firm SonicWALL last year, as part of greater focus onsoftware and services business, is paying...

MUMBAI: Technology firm Amdocs today said it will acquire software company Actix for about $ 120 million, a move that will help the latter improve...

Most enterprise IT organizations have not been able to develop the same expertise themselves, but with the advent of software-defined storage offerings...

… taking a community-powered approach to reliable and high-performing cloud, Linux, middleware, storage and virtualization technologies....

Condusiv’s V-locity® VM acceleration software has amassed one of the largest virtualizationfollowings with over 1000 customers delivering CIOs...

Is Your Business 100% Ready for the New Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data? The Only Enterprise IT Event in 2013 Covering the Entire Scope of both … ...