Comments Off on Pertino Offers Cloud-Based Networks for Businesses, Individuals
12 launched a limited release of its namesake networking as a service (NaaS) technology, which leverages cloud computing, virtualization and software-defined ......
Comments Off on VMware Buys Storage Virtualization Firm
"VMware and Virsto share a highly aligned vision to remove complexity and increase efficiencies through virtualization," said Mark Davis, CEO, Virsto, in a ......
Comments Off on Windows Server 2012 makes storage cool again
Storage Spaces This technology provides virtualization enhancements to the storage stack, allowing you to create storage pool and spaces. Storage pools allow ......
Comments Off on ~ Dropbox & other Services, > or Ready for UNLIMITED Cloud …
Dropbox & other Services, > or Ready for UNLIMITED Cloud Computing Free !... Michael . By Michael . Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:49:20 EST PM. Tweet ......
Comments Off on Cloud Computing: Pertino Wants to Kiss Conventional WANs Good …
As long as venture money holds up, the one thing we won't run out of any time soon are cloud start-ups each claiming to have a smarter mousetrap than the ......
Comments Off on PCI Cloud Guidance: Private Cloud Is The Preferred Way To Go
Cloud computing is here. For merchants and service providers, the question is how best to implement the technology. The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI ......
Comments Off on Imagineering the future: Nasscom’s new mantra
The report said that the global market for Cloud Computing will grow from $109 billion in 2012 to $206.6 billion in 2016. Big data would grow from $5.4 billion to ......
Comments Off on Cisco posts higher profit and revenue in Q2
Cisco is in the midst of a retreat from the consumer sector while it aims for a leading role in enterprise and cloud computing, competing with giants such as IBM ......
Comments Off on Dell: Unlocking Information
Unlocking Information: Digital data is a hospital’s most valuable resource. For centuries, medical information has been stored on paper, stuffed into filing cabinets, and stacked in basements around the world. And to this day, much of these hand-written charts sit, collecting dust, more legal liability than clinical asset. The digital age brings with the the potential for medical information to transform the entire healthcare industry. Meanin...
Comments Off on Dell: Empowering Caregivers
Today’s technological momentum is good news for healthcare, and it holds the promise of real change for an industry that desperately needs it. But it’s also important to remember that while technology can be a powerful catalyst, it is merely a tool. And technology’s potential benefits will only be fully realized if it is used in support of the people and processes that deliver care, and the patients that receive it. This white pa...