Comments Off on Dotcom apologises for Mega site’s ‘poor service’
Kim Dotcom's new cloud storage site 'Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger, Safer. ... personal celebrity to keep the site running as a legitimate enterprise....
Comments Off on OrionVM Enterprise Selects Mellanox InfiniBand for their Private and …
... OrionVM, enterprise private and public clouds, who is now standardizing on ... Utilizing InfiniBand and their distributed storage system, OrionVM is able to offer ......
Comments Off on Violin Memory buys Gridiron for fast flash storage access
Gridiron sells an appliance that slots in between an enterprise's storage and servers and speeds up access to data in existing storage arrays. It uses flash ......
Comments Off on Cellrox Secures $4.7M Led by Runa Capital For Its BYOD …
Specifically, Cellrox's technology employs virtualization to let employees and ... Cellrox says that it's this virtualization approach that sets it apart from other ......
Comments Off on 2013 Data Center 100: 20 Virtualization Providers
VMware continues to dominate the data center on the strength of its vSphere server virtualization platform, but Microsoft's Windows Server 2012 is coming on ......
Comments Off on Kim Dotcom on his new file-sharing site, Mega
The same argument applies to cloud computing as a whole, he says. For good measure, Rothken also notes that former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor ......
Comments Off on China’s Huawei Sees Strong Comeback in 2012, Despite US Scrutiny
Company Predicts Big Growth in 2013. Ms. Meng said she expects bright growth for Huawei, remarking, "Cloud computing is a huge sector in the next five years....
Comments Off on CIOs say cloud computing is really, truly a priority this time
In a recent survey of 2,000 CIOs, a Gartner report revealed that the execs' top tech priorities for 2013 include cloud computing in general, as well as its specific ......
Comments Off on The History Of Cloud Computing
1961: United States computer guru John McCarthy (inventor of the term artificial intelligence, or AI) first suggested a vague model of a computer time-sharing ......
Comments Off on Intel IT Case Study: Upgrading Data Center Network To 10GbE
To accommodate the increasing demands that data center growth places on Intel’s network, Intel IT is converting our data center network architecture to 10 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connections. Existing 100 megabit per second (Mb/s) and 1 GbE connections no longer support Intel’s growing business requirements. Our new 10 GbE data center fabric design will enable us to accommodate current growth and meet increasing network demand in the futu...