
… multichannel capture market,” and enhance the business intelligence and analytics software Kofax gained through the acquisition...

CoSentry will use proceeds from the recapitalization to fund the expansion of its Midlands Data Center in Omaha, Nebraska, which will be commissioned...

The Wikimedia Foundation is working on making its projects more secure to protect users’ privacy. As one can imagine, there are plenty of technological … ...

Jeff Forristal, chief technology officer of mobile security Bluebox Security, who discovered the master key flaw six months ago, said “there...

The researchers Andrew Furtak, Oleksandr Bazhaniuk and Yuriy Bulygin demonstrated Wednesday at the Black Hat USA security conference in Las Vegas two … ...

The “Community Cloud Market (By Components [Server, Storage Devices, Network Equipments], By Verticals [Healthcare, Finance, Government,...

Not only do the shortcuts reinforce the fact that Drive is a full productivity suite rather than a simplecloud storage box, but like the Chrome app...

The decision to rename the cloud storage service comes at a tough time for … No details have emerged relating to what Microsoft’s cloud...

Creative Cloud for Teams also comes gratis with Adobe Cloud Storage. Although all files are stored on the user’s local machine, a file can also...

In this expert interview for SearchStorage, Marks tackled seven questions related to using cloud storage, ranging from the value of service-level agreements...