
That warning was sounded Wednesday by the Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security(CrySyS Lab) of the Budapest University of Technology and … ...

More than three-quarters of IT security professionals polled recently said they have used a USB flash drive that they found lying around, according...

The state’s chief information officer says Ohio wants to consolidate the technology infrastructure currently housed in the state’s main computing center....

“We look forward to combining Itracs’ award-winning software portfolio with CommScope’s global reach, deep expertise and robust data...

Thanks to the virtualization, we can fit it in better with the data center,” Espinosa told … It is a software suite that is hardware...

T-Systems will integrate Cloudera with existing cloud computing infrastructure and deliver on its strategic vision to develop big data analytics...

During his talk, Boxley will first explore why, while server virtualization is a well understood and generally accepted value proposition by most...

Red e App, which is quickly attracting new customers with the first secure, private mobile messaging platform for enterprises, will use the capital...

At VentureBeat’s upcoming Mobile Summit on April 1, one of the six main themes will be “What’s next for enterprise?” So...

The software — a general-purpose micromechanics code — applies a mathematical approach to enable quick results without the loss of...