
Video ConferencingCloud Computing Resource CentreCIO Canada’s Brainstorm Centre CIO Canada … Cloud Computing: Extending the Network (3 of 3)...

The Cloud Computing market is witnessing the implementation of … The cloud computing application developers, cloud integrators, cloud services brokers,...

It was added on to existing legislation to take account of cloud computing, … “When FISAAA was extended to cover cloud computing, encrypting...

In what appears to be a swipe at market leader Amazon Web Services, IBM this week has announced a new version of its public cloud computing offering that...

The latest market forecasts for cloud computing are predicting 30% annual growth in the industry, as more and more people adopt the latest technology to...

Other key revenue data for the full year were an 80% surge in its cloud computing revenue and a 13% increase in its business analytics revenue. Ginni Rometty...

Growing mobile subscriber base, as well as high smartphone penetration and usage of the mobile internet is driving the demand for enterprise mobility,...

That functionality includes data encryption, mobile device management, system … However, there’s no reason why the product wouldn’t attract...

Most Facebook users access it using a mobile phone or tablet computer, yet the … Facebook views the mobile space as its biggest opportunity, a point...

The carrier is also adding the new BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) 10 enterprise mobility management solution to its portfolio. Device availability...