
Store such as Amazon S3 or OpenStack Object Storage. If, on the other hand, you’re an enterprise data storage professional looking to take advantage...

“There are also varying needs for storage,” both long and short term storage, … of components for specific workloads, but enterprise...

SeaRiver Maritime, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, is to ship its products along Houston’s inland waterway system using transportation services from...

These companies have different requirements from enterprise organisations so, until now, Fusion-io has been building custom flash storage products for...

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Caringo, the leading provider of object storage software, today announced that it is a finalist in the...

… as the integration of oVirt Engine, a management app for the oVirt virtualization platform, and an ability to suspend and resume guests within...

Some data center solutions providers also are getting into the SDN and network virtualization field, including VMware, which last year bought startup Nicira...

Microsoft announced three new releases on Tuesday that advance its cloud vision by promising to bring new capabilities for IT pros and hosting services...

Virtualization has become the default technology upon which the majority of the world’s … Although IBM had pioneered virtualization in the...

Cloud computing giant Rackspace has announced plans to partner up with the leading providers of open source data centers. As a founding member of the … ...