
As Oracle said, engineered together, Sun ZFS Storage Appliances … storage required by Oracle Database and other heavy I/O enterprise applications. ...

Keynote sessions showcased Oracle’s strategy and roadmap for cloud and social. Additional sessions for line of business executives focused...

Networks Security Cloud Storage Apps Data Center Mobility Virtualization … CLOUD 100 CHANNEL CHIEFS DATA CENTER 100 PRODUCTS OF...

Oracle Linux and Virtualization Engineering senior vice president, Wim Coekaerts, said that enterprise adoption of mobile devices is expanding rapidly...

It is not expected to continue as a standalone product, instead becoming fully incorporated intoOracle’s own Oracle Private Cloud offering, … ...

Oracle currently has a cloud computing strategy that’s questionable at best, and its private-cloud strategy seems hinged on selling big, expensive, … ...

Oracle Tuesday rolled out an updated Oracle Database Appliance, called the X3-2, which adds virtualization to a product that combines database software...

In addition, Database Appliance customers can take advantage of a new virtualization option in version X3-2. Independent software vendors could use the...

Oracle Corp. (NASDAQ:ORCL) announced Thursday three advanced software products for giant financial institutions intended to minimize risk, improve...

In its never-ending effort to prove that Google illegally copied its software code in building the Android mobile operating system, Oracle compares its...