Terms & Privacy

This website and brand is operated by CREATIVE PRO MEDIA, LLC (“Creative Pro Media”) also known as TechPRO Media.

This document is CREATIVE PRO MEDIA’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Protecting your privacy is our paramount concern. This privacy policy describes how we keep your personal information confidential while using it to improve your experience.

1. Registration. When you register at any CREATIVE PRO MEDIA owned site, you provide personal information, including your e-mail address and other personal information, that is required to begin your membership and receive the document(s) you requested. After you subscribe to a specific weekly report, you can unsubscribe at any time by visiting this Web site. You can also have yourself removed from all promotional material at any time by clicking on the appropriate link, or by contact us.

2. How is Collected Information Used? We use the personal information you supply to provide you with valuable information and offers that are relevant to your professional interests. For example, you select any e-mail newsletters you want to receive based on your individual business priorities. Based on information you share with us about your business, such as its location, industry and size, we will also send you updates about editorial content, white papers, research, training materials, templates and software tools that might meet your needs. Our resource centers provide free information, in the form of white papers, web cast announcements, podcasts, blogs and a new suite of social networking capabilities. Some of this will require additional forms to complete. Your information provided at any of the different points with the Creative Pro Media network will adhere to your permission at each level. In addition to using the information we collect about you to fulfill your requests for newsletters, information, and content, we may use the information to customize the content you see when you visit a site in the Creative Pro Media network.

3. Protecting Your Information. Creative Pro Media is committed to maintaining your trust and we want you to understand when and with whom we may share information collected about you. With your consent, we share your information in the following ways:
A) When you view or download white papers, research reports, webcasts and other sponsored content, the sponsor and/or provider of that content will receive the contact information you currently have on file for your Creative Pro Media, along with the title of the content you are viewing or downloading at that time.
B) The sponsor and/or provider of this content may also receive your answers to specific questions asked at the time you access the sponsored content, as well as information regarding similar or related content you downloaded or viewed in the past.
C) The sponsor and/or provider of this content may use your information to contact you about products or services related to the content you viewed or downloaded.

If you do not want to share any information with the sponsors and/or providers of sponsored content, you should avoid viewing any sponsored content.

If you elect to receive e-mail offers from our partners, we will send you such offers from time to time.  Our offers are professional and respectful of your membership. Our staff works hard to ensure they will help in your search for the best research. If you would like to serve on our advisory board, please send an email.

4. User Submissions. Where we have specifically invited or requested user submitted content of any kind, we encourage members of the public to submit such content (e.g. comments on the content, postings to forums, audio, video, text, or other materials—collectively, “User Submissions”) to or through the sites. User Submissions remain the intellectual property of the individual user. By posting your content on the Sites, you expressly grant Creative Pro Media a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully sublicenseable license to use, distribute, edit, display, archive, publish, sublicense, perform, reproduce, make available, transmit, broadcast, sell, translate, and create derivative works of those User Submissions, and your name, voice, likeness and other identifying information where part of a User Submission, in any form, media, software, or technology of any kind now known or developed in the future, including, without limitation, for developing, manufacturing, and marketing products. You hereby waive any moral rights you may have in your User Submissions.

We respect your ownership of User Submissions. If you owned a User Submission prior to providing it to us, you will continue owning it after providing it to us, subject to any rights granted in the Terms and any access granted to others. If you delete a User Submission from the Sites, our general license to that User Submission will end after a reasonable period of time required for the deletion to take full effect. However, the User Submission may still exist in our backup copies, which are not publicly available. In addition, if we made use of your User Submission before you deleted it, we will continue to have the right to make, duplicate, redistribute, and sublicense those pre-existing uses, even after you delete the User Submission. Terminating your account on a Site will not automatically delete your User Submission.

We may refuse or remove User Submissions for any reason and without notice. All User Submissions are deemed non-confidential and Creative Pro Media shall be under no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information, in whatever form, contained in any User Submission. Please remember that any information you disclose becomes public information and exercise caution when deciding to disclose your contact, financial, and other information in a submission. We cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Privacy Policy, the law, or your personal privacy and safety.

You represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant to Creative Pro Media the license above and that none of your User Submissions are defamatory, violate any rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy), or violate applicable law.

5. Security. We employ physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect all of our data. Your membership account and information can only be accessed using the correct password, and the servers holding that information are protected by a firewall.   We use standard SSL-encryption to ensure your personal information is protected during data transmissions. And for the purpose of business operations, access to your information is limited to authorized employees.

6. Cookies. A cookie is a small piece of computer code that lets Web servers “identify” visitors. Each time you initiate a session on our network, our server uses a cookie to identify you as a subscriber and provide you with appropriate access privileges. These cookies do not store any of the personal information you have provided through the site; they are simply identifiers. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually refuse cookies, or selectively accept cookies, by adjusting the preferences in your browser. However, if you turn cookies off, some features of our site will not be available to you and some Web pages may not display properly. You can find information about how you can adjust the cookie settings for common browsers at the following Web sites: Microsoft Internet Explorer – http://www.microsoft.com/info/cookies.mspx Mozilla Firefox – http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cookies?bl=n&s=cookies#Cookie_settings

7. Web Beacons. We may use electronic images known as Web beacons, or clear GIFs, to monitor the use of our Web site and e-mail reports. A Web beacon is a graphic image, often transparent and usually no larger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel, which works in combination with cookies to track usage of a Web page or e-mail containing it. (To learn more about Web beacons, see http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Web_beacon.html).

8. Redirected URLs. Creative Pro Media uses redirected URLs to keep track of Web traffic generated by links in our e-mail reports. Redirected URLs route subscribers to Web sites after recording who they are and the links they click. This information helps us personalize the information we provide subscribers by sending them special reports and exclusive offers related to the topics that are most important to them. All subscribers receive special reports, but only those who ask to receive special offers in their subscriber profiles receive this exclusive benefit.

9. Third-Party Advertisers. Creative Pro Media does not use third-party advertising companies to provide advertisements or allow third-party advertisers to track your browsing activities on the network at this time.

10. Updating Your Personal Information. You may update your personal information at any time by visiting any site in our network.

11. Policy Changes. If this privacy policy changes in any significant way, a notice will appear on all Creative Pro Media sites and/or you will be notified by e-mail.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, please contact us.