
LogMeIn, Inc.

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The differences between LogMeIn Rescue and Bomgar are clear, starting with the costs associated with new infrastructure, and the ongoing maintenance that...

Customer Support Organizations, now more than ever, are facing large challenges across their support services operations. The challenges go beyond the...

Given everything from new devices and security concerns to increasingly tech-savvy end users and the costs of supporting a sprawling infrastructure, there’s...

The pace of technology change in today’s workplace affects everyone, from the CEO to the plant worker. But no one may be more affected that the help...

IDC recently spent time with two customers of clientless remote software, Dell and Dover Federal Credit Union, who spoke about the importance of security,...

Customer success as a corporate practice and organizational entity continues to spread at a rapid pace across the technology industry. The TSIA 2015 Customer...

There are inherent limitations in traditional assisted support models. While support employees may be well trained, highly technical, empathetic, and have...