Data Sheet: Application Audit Service

by admin

Many enterprises use open source software in the development of their own software applications, but sometimes open source components are embedded into applications without the approval of legal and compliance staff. There are hundreds of thousands of open source software packages and hundreds of open source licenses available today, making it more difficult than ever to keep track of embedded components and the associated licenses. Without a comprehensive understanding of the open source packages and licenses embedded in their applications, companies that distribute software or products containing open source software may be at risk of violating legal obligations of one or more licenses.

OpenLogic’s Application Audit service helps enterprises understand the license obligations that come with the open source software used in products they distribute. The Application Audit service analyzes internally-developed software for open source packages and identifies the bill of materials or software inventory and bill of licenses for open source components. Once an application has been scanned, OpenLogic aggregates the scan information and creates comprehensive reports that give companies the information they need to make informed decisions about distribution and license compliance.

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