
As a statement of reality, the oft-repeated mantra “Cloud computing is ideally suited to smaller businesses” is about as helpful as “Brown-eyed...

The survey also reports that global adoption of public cloud computing is on the rise, with 28 per cent of organisations embracing it in 2013, up three...

Skyfire’s Rocket Optimizer software allows mobile operators to leverage cloud computing to optimise video and other multimedia content. Essentially,...

Outsourcing has been identified as a key attack vector in almost two-thirds of security investigations carried out by security services company Trustwave. ...

The G-Cloud uses cloud computing to help change the way the public sector procures and operates ICT, and the latest announcement is for the third iteration...

2013 has every possibility of becoming the year of the mobile device. Even since the beginning of 2012, uptake of BYOD, enterprise mobility and more carefully...

Just a couple of years ago, some prominent analysts would have had us believe that cloud computing was poised to sweep all before it. Firms would be queuing...

“We want full security possibilities. Security is paramount, so from that point of view we’ll not be using the RT machines for the moment.”...